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10 October 2022
Andrew K. Saina; Josphat K. Sawe

The Kenya Vision 2030 recognizes the role of science, technology and innovation in a modern economy, in which new knowledge plays a central role in wealth creation, social welfare and international competitiveness. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (2018), when the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals were officially adopted, the clock began ticking on an ambitious goal: ending global hunger by 2030. It is essential for a country to embrace food security but it is challenged by factors such as: lack of education and political instability; poor planning and policies; lack of transparency and improper governance; financing; slow paces in embracing technology and other governance issues. Results from various studies on these factors may vary from country to country. Furthermore, it has not been empirically reported on factors influencing use of these technologies for food security. The objective of this study was therefore to establish factors influencing use of technology for sustainable food security in the Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) in Embu County. The study adopted the diffusion of innovation theory. The conceptual framework was based on the interaction of various factors that influence technologies for food security in the study area. The study was a descriptive survey research that reviewed various streams of empirical literature on sustainable food security with the use of self-administered questionnaires and interview schedules. A sample of 50 respondents from a population of 73 was used in the study. Survey results showed that literacy levels, cultural issues, poor infrastructure, climate change, poor governance and economic conditions are some of the factors influencing use of technology. The study would be vital to agricultural institutions to alleviate research collaborations and for their quest to diversify research by improving these factors which leads to embracing technologies for food security hence mitigating hunger.